Content package proposals for

YES Cacao:

Bundle A : X-ray Bundle (8 video loops total)

  • 3 x vertical X-ray videos (one per flavor)

  • 3 x horizontal X-ray videos (one per flavor)

  • 1 x master vertical X-ray video (flavors turn into each other)

  • 1 x master horizontal X-ray video (flavors turn into each other)

  • Plus 20% off on future National Park content

Cost: $1,800 (value of $2,060)

Bundle B : Floating Bundle (4 video loops total)

  • 3 x floating video loops (with either the products rotating in place, or with the camera moving, as seen here)

  • 1 x master floating video loop that features all 3 products

  • Plus 35% off on future National Park content

Cost: $2,450 (value of $3,000)

Bundle C : Stop Motion Bundle (4 video loops total)

  • 3 x tabletop stop motion videos (in which each individual flavor turns into their natural botanical ingredients, similar to the Halo Top example seen here, but customized for YES Cacao packaging)

  • 1 x tabletop master video (which features all three flavors above in one video)

  • Plus 50% off on future National Park content

Cost: $3,750 (value of $4,800)

Bundle D : All-Access Bundle (19 video loops total)

  • All of Bundle A, B, & C

  • 3 x plotagraphs

  • Plus 75% off future National Park content

Cost: $6,800 (value of $9,860)